
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Challenge # 2 - Movie Night at My House

(Yawn!  It is very late and I should be going to bed)

It is only Week # 1 of my weight loss journey and tonight, I was already faced with Challenge # 2.  A couple of days ago I had my first challenge on my weight loss journey and I solved that little challenge but tonight, I was faced with yet another!

The challenge - I invited a few friends over to my place tonight to watch the movie "Bridesmaids".  

Before I get to Challenge # 2, I have to explain how I came about owning the movie "Bridesmaids" which had just been released on DVD.  One of my fantastic friends called me the day of my birthday and while chatting we discussed my new journey that I am undertaking.  She is a very supportive friend but did ask about wine consumption because when we get together we do like to have a glass of wine (or two)!  I explained to her that there was no way in h*ll that I would be giving wine up completely but that I would be careful of how much and how often I consume it.  Little did I know, she had actually planned on getting me a bottle of wine for my birthday.  She quickly changed her plans and decided to pick me up the new movie that I had been raving about (I had already seen it in the theatre and told her how hilarious it was).  She so graciously brought it over that night and I was absolutely thrilled.  As much as I love wine, the movie was a much better gift.    

Now, back to Challenge # 2.  Why do you think watching a movie at my place would be a challenge?  I am not a big junk food eater or chip eater and I don't usually have the stuff in my house but when I have friends over for movies, someone usually brings a bag of something (nachos, Smart Food, chips etc).  Also, someone usually brings a bottle of wine.  Being that it was a Saturday, my points consumption was already a bit on the higher side by the time dinner was over (breakfast with my children, lunch with my children, dinner with my children etc).  I had to be upfront and honest to my friend and told her about my journey and my concerns of having all these temptations in my house during my first week.  She completely understood and said that it would be a wine-free night (boohoo) and she would bring over a healthy snack.

Fast forward to 8pm when they show up on my door step with a non-fat Chai Latte for each of us from the new coffee shop around the corner and a plate of carrots and hummus!!  I chuckled at the site of her with the carrots (instead of a bag of Smart Food popcorn) but I loved her for being so supportive.

To my dear friend with the carrots: you know me, I have to be very strict at the beginning but we'll be having a glass of wine together again in no time!!   

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